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Shrinking Violet

Gender defines everyone and, at times, can be limiting. It makes us feel that we need to belong and conform to the expectations placed on us at birth solely on whether we were born male or female.

This project stemmed from a short documentary film I made in conversation with my mum and how she views her role within society and the family. I wanted to create a parody version of the traditional role expected of women from a personal perspective and mimic the tendencies I see from day to day. Part of this project was a means to show how much my own mother does for my family. I hold a lot of respect for all the work she does and have grown up seeing this strong, resilient woman who has two full-time jobs; in the office and at home. This project was an attempt to shed light on how brilliant my mother is while making a sarcastic comment on the standards society holds women to (2016).

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